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Synthèse : SWARM (2017)

Last project made at my last semester in university.

Swarm was not an easy project. A constraint imposed itself on the project when it was at the sixth week of production. The team had to rethink and do a new swarm in 8-9 weeks instead of 16.
My role was to work on the concepts art, help transpose the artistic direction in-game and dress up some of the levels.

Project Swarm presentation.

Project Swarm presentation.

illustration 01
Environment illustration to establish the mood of the game.

illustration 01
Environment illustration to establish the mood of the game.

illustration 02
Environnement illustration to 
establish the mood of the game.

illustration 02
Environnement illustration to
establish the mood of the game.

A part of the voted thumbnails. The two illustration were chosen from this serie.

A part of the voted thumbnails. The two illustration were chosen from this serie.

Environment concept 01
Some paint-over i did on modular meshes made by an other artist on the team.

Environment concept 01
Some paint-over i did on modular meshes made by an other artist on the team.

Environment concept 02
Some paint-over i did on modular meshes made by an other artist on the team.

Environment concept 02
Some paint-over i did on modular meshes made by an other artist on the team.

Player's character design.
Concept of the robots and their pod.

Player's character design.
Concept of the robots and their pod.

Cultist monster 01 "Walker"
Concept of the more common monster in the game.

Cultist monster 01 "Walker"
Concept of the more common monster in the game.

Cultist monster 02 "Sniper"
Concept of the second monster in the game who act as a sniper and a siedger.

Cultist monster 02 "Sniper"
Concept of the second monster in the game who act as a sniper and a siedger.

Cultist monster 03 "Rammer"
Concept of the biggest and strongest monster in the game.

Cultist monster 03 "Rammer"
Concept of the biggest and strongest monster in the game.

SWARM Gameplay Video

Before the big change.
Old Swarm Robots concept.

Before the big change.
Old Swarm Robots concept.

Before the change.
Old Swarm Final Boss.
Final sketch of the Boss

Before the change.
Old Swarm Final Boss.
Final sketch of the Boss

Before the change.
Old Swarm Final Boss.
One of the first sketch of the Boss

Before the change.
Old Swarm Final Boss.
One of the first sketch of the Boss

Before the change.
exploration thumbnails.

Before the change.
exploration thumbnails.

Before the change.
Modular asset exploration.

Before the change.
Modular asset exploration.

Before the change.
Modular asset exploration.

Before the change.
Modular asset exploration.

Before the change.
Modular asset exploration.

Before the change.
Modular asset exploration.

Arch research and exploration

Arch research and exploration

Doors research and exploration

Doors research and exploration

walls research and exploration

walls research and exploration

Walls research and exploration

Walls research and exploration

pillars research and exploration

pillars research and exploration